I am so fortunate to work with a mixed culture of colleagues, which help me learn and understand different aspect of diverse cultures every day. We have a range of 20-60 years old staffs from Chinese, African American, and Hispanic. I found that some staff have similar communication style and some with different communication style depends, yet not necessary because of their age or cultures.

the other hand, Mrs. M from Mexico who is also around 50 years old, has a
different communication style. She has a more open communication style. When I
asked the same question, she told me about almost everything she did on Sunday
and detailed. Then she also asked me back. I answered her that I am tired as I was
working on my paper the whole weekend, she then valued my feeling and shared
that how she went to school, take care of her children and work the same time
when she was young. I felt better after talking to her and motivated by her
success and stories.
considered myself has a similar communication style as Mrs. M. that I love to
talk to people, open to any topics and love to share my experience. Yet I understand
that Mrs. C may not have a strong or trust relationship with me so she doesn’t
want to share her weekend. Or it could be her communication style that she is
more conservative.
This helped me to understand that every one has different communication skills
and each person’s communication style could be varied depends on their
personalities, age, experience, beliefs, education level, values, and etc. We
should never generalize or stereotype of any culture or races into specific categories.I believe that effective communication needs both side be attentive to build a content conversation. Three strategies that I would use
to help me
communicate more effectively with the people who are more conservative are:

their comment or answer by sharing similar experience that we had in the past.
This could help break the ice and open up the conversation.