Saturday, August 31, 2013

First Post

Finally I created my own blog. I have been wanted to make one for long time. It's a long Labor Day weekend and here I am trying to start working on my school work. I am very excited about being at school again yet anxious about attending online program. Wish everyone best of luck!


  1. I am happy to see that you have started your blog!! I am finally happy to say I have done it too!! Have you figured out the subscription part?

    1. Hi Catherine! I was able to do the subscription by using using my gmail account. If you have one, try to log in and go to the top tab click on " More" then click "Blogger". Then Click on the " Add" button on the left bar and put in the blog link that you would like to subscribe and you are done! You will be able to see your subscription right after you added it. Hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.

  2. Thank you Joyce that will help me too. I need to try it.

    I love that you all did this last week. I barely did my blog yesterday. I'm running behind. I hope I survive this program. The best of luck to you too!
