Saturday, September 21, 2013

Personal Childhood Web

I am so fortunate to have a group of lovely people around me and supporting me in my life. They are all important to me, especially my family!

·         Mom- She is not only my Mom, but my best friend as well. My mom is always happy, positive and enthusiastic energy. She is always the first one who stands up for me and be on my side. She is a good cook as well. I really admire and appreciate how she get up early to work everyday but still able to make delicious dinner for us every night. And this is how she influences me that family is very important. She told me that Dinner is the only time gather the whole family together and  good food is a MUST to keep everyone engage in the conversation without playing with their cellphone =) My mom also had been through a lot. I remembered when I was little girl, Dad did something wrong and they almost have to divorce. Mom left home for a few weeks but she called me everyday to make sure me and my brother were fine. I was really mad at my Dad at that time, but Mom said this was between Dad and her, Dad is our father and he loves us, so we should still respect him no matter what he did to Mom. Mom taught me a lot about respect and giving. She believes that everything has two sides, being positive not only helps feel better but also make things brighter. Life is short, being negative will just make yourself suffer, why not be positive? That’s my Mom and this is what my personality is now. 

·         Dad- He is always my best teacher. Although he may not know everything, he always tells me the consequence of both sides. My dad has a very high expectation on me since I was three years old. I was taking swimming class, ballet class, piano class, art & crafts class and at the Girl Scout troop in elementary school. He wanted me to prepare for the competitive world. However, these activities were not all my favorite. I like piano, but because of my homework and other activities made me too tired to practice. So after learning piano a few years, I started crying everytime I practice. Dad finally understood that was too much for me so he stopped most of the lessons. I remembered he said “I just want to give you the BEST when I still can. I set you up for all these lessons are for your future. But most importantly I want you to be happy. I want you to do the BEST that you can, and it’s fine to fail, just remember to stand up where you fell down. If you don’t want to do it, just don’t blame on me or regret in the future because I gave you a choice.” My Dad treated me like a little adult when I was little. I really appreciate how he made me became so independent when I was little. It really helps me to gain my confident and not afraid of failure. 

·         Brother- My brother is 4 years old younger than me and he’s a quiet guy. When we were little, we fight a lot but we are very close together. We went to the same preschool and elementary school. However, people and teachers always compare us. I was a happy and cheerful sweetheart that every teacher likes, but since he was a quiet little boy, no teacher like him. I remembered he was very thin and shy when he was in elementary school, his peers used to bully him. And I really don’t like that. I always pull him away from those peers and have him stay with me. Sometimes, he got detention because he got into a fight. And he will never tell our family what happened but we all know he will not do anything that is not appropriate so we support him. He does not to like express himself but he always cares about me, shares everything with me and helps me if I need him. He didn’t really have anything directly influence my life, but because of him, I understand that quiet children need a lot of attention too. Indeed, family support is the key too. I believe if my family and I did not support him when he got bully, he may become another person. And now the shy little boy is a muscular U.S. Navy solider, we are so proud of him!


·         PE teacher- I still remember how my elementary school PE teacher, Mr. Eddy, looks like and how much he made me feel so special. Mr. Eddy was my English teacher and PE teacher. During PE class, Mr. Eddy asked student who wants to join the swimming team; I raised my hand because I know I am good at it! He asked me to talk to him after school. He said if I want to be in the team, I will have to promise him that I will have at least a B in all my classes and he will tutor me if I need to. At first I thought Mr. Eddy would not pay attention to my grades, but he really did! He gave me at least an hour tutoring almost everyday after school to help my homework. I was really into my swimming practice and my grades were better than before. Finally it was the competition day, I was very nervous and shaking. He pat my shoulder said “I know you are nervous, it’s okay, just do your best. You can get a good grade and I am sure you can do this!”. I won a gold medal in that competition and that was my first medal ever! I was so happy and my family was so proud of me. Mr. Eddy was like family to me, he cares about me and my feelings. There are not too many elementary teacher could give the time and level of encouragement that he provided to me.

·         Girl Scot Leader- Mrs. Cheng was my girl scot troop leader. She is another teacher that made me feel teachers could make a big difference to children’s life. I was not doing very well in my elementary school because my parents just started their own business, so they were very busy and I only see them two times a week. My maid was the only person I see much but she doesn’t speak same language as me. So I couldn’t talk to anyone. I was in the honor class, but because of not seeing my parents as before, my grades were getting behind and my smile is hiding. I was in Mrs. Cheng’s troop for two years, so she understands how my personality was used to be. So she talked to me one day and tried to comfort me. She told me that my parents still love me and she will talk to my parents about that. My parents finally tried to call me every night if they were not able to come back before I go to sleep. I really appreciate Mrs. Cheng talked to my parents about concerning my emotions but not my grades.


  1. Hi Joyce,

    I think it is great how you are able to have such an influential mom in your life. Not only does it seem like you are part of a family that surrounds itself with good food and conversation, but also from a family with good values. You are a very lucky person to have the support from various strong individuals growing up.


  2. Hello Yee,

    I too feel like my mom is more than my mom she is my best friend too. Isn't it a blessing to have our mom's in our lives.

  3. Yee,
    I love the detail of your web. I love that you shared about your mom. She is strong and one of the most attractive qualities about ANY one is a positive attitude. She obviously passed these desirable qualities on to you. Your father wanted so much for you because of his great love for you. Do you think that him pushing you has helped you attain more as an adult?
