Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A Note of Thanks and Support

Our first course has coming to the end. I really enjoy everyone's comment and blogs, they are all valuable and some are inspiring. I could feel the passion from each of you.

I particularly like Catherine and Elizabeth's blogs as they both have their personality on each blog!

Catherine's Blog always has something that evoke me to reflect on my experience and how I could do better. Therefore, I really enjoy reading her blog!

I found a lot of commonality in my visions and goals from Elizabeth's Blog  I believe we both value in family engagement as part of the element to child's success as well as believing in lesson plan should be individualized for each child's learning style.

Thank you all for sharing your life experience with me. I believe that we will continue to use expand our blog through the program at Walden! Good Luck to everyone!


  1. Joyce,
    I appreciate your life story. I also appreciate your professionalism. I know you are younger than I am but I am inspired by your scholarly input and ability. It will serve you well in your field. I look forward to knowing what you are doing and seeing how you have grown over the next year. I certainly hope we are in the next class together!!
    Thank you for your insight especially in the area of cultural acceptance and diversity.

  2. Joyce,
    I agree with you. Catherine is full of spirit and life. Her blog jumped out at me everytime. It grabbed my attention and truly motivated me.

  3. Hi Joyce,
    I wanted to thank you for liking my blog. I too enjoy reading your blog, and I too think it is great how we both live locally to each other. Thank you for inspiring me to continue my success as an educator.


  4. Joyce,
    I just wanted to thank you for telling your story and letting us into your world. Even though i might not have posted to every blog that you posted I did read them and enjoyed them. I give you a good luck in your future and hope that we might meat again in another classroom. Good luck in everything you do cause i know you will do great in whatever you decided to do in your future.

  5. Joyce,
    Thank you so much for each and every blog post! It was so interesting to see all your experiences you brought to the early childhood field. May you be blessed as you continue in the early childhood field. I hope you continue touch a child's life in a postive way. Thank you, thank you and thank you!
