Saturday, July 11, 2015

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community

               San Francisco and California have lots of support communities and organizations provide free or affordable resources to children and families.

               As the name said it provides services to children from zero to five years old. Their mission is “To instill an enduring obligation in San Francisco residents and government to ensure the opportunity for optimal health and development for every child living in this county” (First 5 San Francisco)
With “commitment to support young children and their families from prenatal to five years of age through abundant opportunities to be healthy, learn, and grow. Children will reach their full potential. Families will be empowered and engaged civic partners in the work of the Commission” (First 5 San Francisco).
I love their program of Preschool For All which is a program to support high-quality of childcare. They provide trainings to families and early educators such as child development, environment changes, cultural diversity, dual language supports, inclusive practices etc….  Professional Development is always the best way to keep us up to date on the recent study and best practices to support children and families. Additionally, it is always another way we could network with other colleagues from other agency to learn about their strategies or tools to support children.
Unfortunately, there is no current job opening now.

Zero to Three – National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and families 

This organization has lots of great child development resources for families, educator, policies maker. One of their mission is to “provides parents, professionals and policymakers the knowledge and know-how to nurture early development” (Zero to Three). They want to “to ensure that all babies and toddlers have a strong start in life”. The web site is very easy to navigate and user friendly which make it less hassle for family. I like they have monthly issue on different current child development issue or trends. The web site develop in a few categories: Behavior & Development, Maltreatment, Care & Education, Public Policy and About Us. I love the behavior and development section focuses on research and strategies for families and educators to promote children’s well-being in a positive and encouragement way. They also have videos, which make it easier to understand. They have research on why play is important, importance of social-emotional development and topics that are the current hot topic in the field that I want to learn more about like challenging behaviors. 

They have some job openings around the states, but they are all in senior levels and one of the most interested to me is the Senior Training/ Technical Assistance (T/TA) Specialist. The responsibilities are “planning and providing diverse and multiple T/TA events, providing support and facilitation for the NCEHS-CCP T/TA component as outlined in the approved work plan, focusing particularly on  supporting  Implementation  Planners  and  Fiscal  Consultants”
It also requires strong knowledge of and experience with infants and toddlers, the Early Head Start program, child care program and system, including Family Child Care, the Child Care and Development Fund and the Head Start Program Performance Standards at states and local levels”. I do not think I am ready for this position as I am still learning about all these standards and policies. But I do have a strong organizational skills which is one of the job requirement! 

It is one of the organizations in San Francisco that I always look up for  training resources to support children with special needs. It is a PARENT-RUN non-profit organization. Its mission is “to ensure that families of children with any kind of disability or special health care need have the knowledge and support to make informed choices that enhance their children's development and well being. Through fostering partnership among families, professionals and the community our children can flourish” (Support for Families). 

They have their own quarterly newsletter. Training and workshops for families and educators. They also provide translations in Spanish and Chinese in all trainings and workshop upon request. They have a service call “ Volunteer Parent Mentor” which is family volunteers who are family members of children with special needs to help families to advocate for their child’s needs and help them with referral process to necessary services. They have partnerships with different clinics, child care centers, mental health department, communities support to support their clients. Their workshops and trainings are FREE!!  

They have a Family Resources Specialist opening now which I think I could qualify. It is a position to “Provide families of children with disabilities or special health care needs information, education and peer support on a phone line, at the drop-in center and in the community”. I believe I could qualify for this position as I have been teaching children with special needs, attending their IEP meeting, attended intensive training on support children with Special needs, I have the experience and resources to support the families in the referral process as well as strategies that they could use at home to support their child.

             All these community provides helpful resources for families and educators with recent research to support the resources. I am so glad that my community have such supportive system for us!

First 5 San Francisco:
Zero to Three:
Support for Families:


  1. Hi Yee, I tried to respond to your post but, unfortunately I was unable to see the entire posting. I'm not sure what happened. Thanks.

    1. Hi Cora,

      Thanks for letting me know. I fixed it, hope you are able to view it now.

