Saturday, June 14, 2014

My Supports

Everyone needs supports in their life. My daily environment supports me emotionally, practically and physically. My family, boyfriend, friends and dogs provide me strong emotional supports. They always listen to me and I know they will be always on my side. My colleagues also provide my emotional supports sometimes and they usually provide me practical support as we work as a team, we practically working together and depend on each other. My car provides me physical support everyday to work. Smart phone is also in my emotional, practical and physical supports system as it helps me to communicate with people, read emails, pay bills and sometimes use it as flashlight or camera to capture meaningful moments. 

I can’t imagine if I lost my supports from either of the factors. Without any of these supports I may be stressful and feel helpless when no one be able to listen to my problem and support me emotionally. Without my car or smart phone, I may not work as sufficiently and may take more time to complete a task if I need to walk to work or take note manually. 


If I am a woman in wheelchair, I would need much more supports than just family, car and phone. I would need technology supports like electronic wheelchair that can roll on the road without me pushing the wheels. Without this support, I would not be able to have access to anywhere , just be lonely at home and maybe end up with other sickness as I cannot go out to get fresh air. I would like practical support like an assistant to support me in daily routine. Without this support, it may takes me longer time to take care myself as my mobility is limited. I may also to find a resource center that can help me look for assistance in my daily life and accommodation for my career. With this support, I may not be working, as I need accommodation furniture for my work. I would need friends who understand my situation and supports me as who I am. Without this support, I maybe an intrinsic person who does not want to social or lack of confident as no one understand me. 

I'm so fortunate to have my friends and families plus my dog to support me and I always cherish what I have!


  1. Hi Yee,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I really thought about what you said about your smartphone being a support system and I can totally agree with that because I use that on a daily bases and without it I would feel lost. It's the little things like that that sometimes get lost because they aren't seemed as important until you lose them.

  2. Hi Yee,
    I agree with your statement that everyone needs supports in their life. Even people who say that they don't need anyone, they do. Just having someone to talk to and listen to your problems can make all the difference in the world. This is certainly true when an individual is faced with a life-altering situation. Some people do lose their zest for life and shut others out, when in fact they should accept their warmth and support. Continue to cherish your family, boyfriend, friends, and your dog.
