I really enjoyed learning new information and other country’s early
childhood field from my international contact, Ms. Yu. I appreciate her honesty
and passion to her career and to the children and families.

Secondly, from the conservation with Ms. Yu, I learned that in order to
provide equity education to children, we have to be very sensitive to the child’s
need and the family’s need as well. Since we are not familiar with other’s
cultures, our perspective to the values and needs of others may not suitable to
the actual needs of the families. For example, some families may not feel their
culture is represented in the classroom when teacher already put books and toys
reflected to the cultures. Hence, to ensure the environment reflect to the culture
we serve, teachers and director needs to communicate with families to
understand how their cultures and how we could provide a secure environment to
make them feel comfortable.
Lastly, I would like to keep up with the research related to early
childhood education to enhance my knowledge and support my team. Ms. Yu
inspired me to keep up with the latest research when she talked about how she
aware of Hong Kong does not support children’s social emotional development but
she learned about it from other country’s research. Educators should also learn
the childhood development perspective and research from other countries to enrich
their knowledge, which they may find new findings or good strategies that may beneficial
to their own professional development or their career.