Saturday, August 9, 2014

Sharing Web Resources- Part 2

I chose the Childcare aware of America web site to explore further. Child Care Aware of America is the nation leading voice for childcare who works with state and “local Child Care Resource and Referral agencies and other community partners to ensure that all families have access to quality, affordable child care” (NACCRRA, 2014). They have ongoing projects to increase quality and availability of child care, comprehensive training to child care professionals, research, and advocate for child care policies to improve the lives of children and families.  There are many sessions in the web site: about us, connect with us, about child care, news, program & services, public policy, conferences, publications and storefront. 

I chose the “about child care” session and found the important resources for child care such as the State Child Care Licensing session showed some basic licensing requirements- licensing, background checks, child/staff ratios, and etc. Other important resources: State Child Care Fact sheets & state information, child demographics, cost of child care, poverty, quality matters, school-age matters, school readiness, supply, workforce and parent perspectives. Each of these session contains resources, links, reports that related to the topic. I particularly like the quality matters topic because it contains reports and links help families to understand the importance of quality care and how the Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS) works. This resource helps families to choose quality care also help professionals to improve their child care. 

Zero to Three, National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families, also is a very resourceful web site that I have been following. It provides many topic related to child care quality, resources for parents such as how to find quality care and resources to find popular child care in your local area (Zero To Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families, 2012a). They also provide links for parents to find affordable child care. I would continue to follow this web site as it has so many resources supporting parents in parenting. 

National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies (2014a). Retrieved from:
Zero To Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families (2012a). Retrieved from


  1. Hi Yee, Good resource you chose to explore. This organization is very informative for parents and the community in finding quality childcare and other resources they may need. If I'm not mistaken- this organization also works closely with state licensing which is very helpful in making sure that childcare programs are always incompliance which is a vital role in having high quality childcare programs for students and parents.

  2. Hi Yee,
    Child Care Aware of America sounds like a great resource for child care resource and referral agencies, community organizations, professionals and families. The fact that it talks about quality matters and explains how the Quality Rating Improvement System works, if I knew of any families that were looking for child care, I would recommend this website to them.

  3. Hi Yee,
    This resource goes right along with my focus this week's assignment! I will look into this resource to see what they provide in my areas of service. Thank you for this information:)
