Saturday, December 21, 2013

When I Think of Child Development

As I am growing in my career, I am not only teaching children but also collaborate with families and teachers in supporting children. Although this course did not talk about child welfare, but throughout this course, we learned about how environment, cultural values, peers interaction, communities, family values and many more aspects effect a child’s development. Because of all these influence, it makes me think of child development is never a one person’s job. And that is why I chose this video “CB Spotlight on Collaboration in Child Welfare" to represent my current views about collaboration in supporting children’s development.

I like this quote “No one can do it alone, there’s no one agency, one answer for children and families.” from the Action Associate Commissioner from Children’s Bureau. I work at an agency that supports low-income families, which allow me to interact with families who live in poverty and understand their needs. I heard many different stories about their life and they often are associated with different agencies to get welfare. I am glad that my agency provides many services that support children and their families to grow such as job training, subsidized / free child care/ housing assistance and etc. 

I also like this quote from Dr. Seuss, “A person’s a person. No matter how small”, reminded me that no matter how old a person is, we need to respect him/her? 

             I really enjoy taking this course, our professor Dr. Davis is very supportive and knowledge! Our classmates are also supportive and respect each others opinions. 

              I would like to say special Thank You to Elizabeth, Thank you for always supporting my posts and appreciate my opinion from different background. 

            I also would like to Thank You Karen for giving me feedback in a parent perspective!All of your supports really enhanced my knowledge in child development.  I will continue to follow both of your blogs and hope will see you ladies in the next class.

          Happy Holidays everyone!! Enjoy the next two weeks before our classes start again!!


  1. Hi Joyce,
    Thank you for sharing your quotes that resonate with you. I really like the second quote you chose. Many feel they need to do everything by themselves, however no one should feel alone, and that there are resources available to help them. I think it is great how you work at an agency that helps low-income families.
    Happy Holidays,

  2. Hey Joyce,
    Great post, I really enjoyed the Dr. Seuss quote, “A person’s a person. No matter how small”, it teaches people to always give respect now matter what.

    Happy Holidays,
