Saturday, May 31, 2014

My Connections with Play

                When I was in preschool, I attend an international preschool in Hong Kong. Their philosophy is similar to America and focus in play, yet they do have ditto and homework. I remembered my school had a two levels play house where children can go in pretend a home. I love to wear a dress and apron to pretend like a Mom cooking and clean up the house. My teachers and parents were supportive to pretend play and allow me to be anything I would like to be. My parents never forced me to do ditto works, instead, they like to bring me out to museum, park and play dates with cousin or classmates. They also like to bring me out to do outdoor exercise such as bike and swimming.

One of my favorite childhood toys is the Barbie because I think she is very pretty and have lots of beautiful clothing.

My second childhood toys are sailor-moon's wand. I think she is my superhero as she is beauty and she protects others and the earth to against those monsters with her wand. 


  My other childhood toy is cashier because I like the sound of beeps when the scanner scan through an item and the sound of the cashier tray pop out. It sounds so weird but for some reason I am very fascinated by those sounds. 

Play in today’s work is more about technology. I see parents are educating children play through tablet or computers. It is right, they are playing! But in my opinion, I don’t recommend children to start using technology until they need to use it for school work. However, I see today’s curriculum are aware of the importance of play. They are more focus on the child’s interest and lesson plan are more fun and more play and explore opportunities for children. My experience with play when I was a child is similar to what I am hoping my child to have.  I would like to expose my children to more natural environment than teaching them technology. I  believed that children learn through play and we should educate children to value our nature. Bringing them outdoor can open up lots of questions and it is the best teachable moments to teach them about nature, promote gross motor skill, have hands on experience and stimulate their thinking. 

I also believe human learn through play, we need play throughout childhood and adulthood. I f you would ask me what is the most memorial moment I value in High School, I would say the time I had rope course and it helped me open up a friendship with on my classmates who didn’t like me at that time. In my work training, I also learn a lot through games on reflection game, ice-breaker games to learn about others. Play keeps our positive energy and often makes me smile and laugh which is always good for our life!

Quotes -What Play Represents In My childhood: 

When children pretend, they’re using their imaginations to move beyond the bounds of reality. A stick can be a magic wand. A sock can be a puppet. A small child can be a superhero.- By  Fred Rogers American children’s television host

I had a very happy childhood, but I wasn't that happy a child. I liked being alone and creating characters and voices. I think that's when your creativity is developed, when you're young. I liked the world of the imagination because it was an easy place to go to. By David Walliams

1 comment:

  1. Hi Yee,
    I agree that teachers and parents should take children on nature walks, and/or to conservation sites so that they can explore nature and the great outdoors. Technology is a wonderful tool, but nature opens up another world for children. As you mention, learning about the natural environment gives children hands on experience and stimulates their mind.
