Saturday, November 8, 2014

My Family Culture

 This week assignment we need to image if we were in a major catastrophe and need to evaluate to other countries, what are the three items that we hold dear and that represent our family culture.  

 First, I would say my family album as it contains all the memories that we have as a family. These pictures show every moment of our family culture, and it also helps to explain our family culture to my future children. 


The second items I will bring is a watch, we all self-conscious and punctual like to have a watch like us everywhere we go to know the time. We will explain to others that we value and enjoy every moment we live in, therefore, knowing the time is important to us.  

 The last item I will bring will be a laptop because I could use my laptop to play our favorite music, communicate with other with the translation software, and can document our new life in the computer. Music is a universal language, we can tell the mood of the music by its rhythm. I believe I maybe able to communicate with others about my feeling by using the song from my home language. 

I would be frustrated if I could only keep one personal item upon arrival because it is hard to live without my watch and laptop. However, I would appreciate to have my family album with me as it is very meaningful and memorial to remind me my home country and family culture. 

As an immigrant myself, I understand how it is like to live in a country that has different cultures and language than where I am from. This assignment helped me reflected on my family culture. It is hard to think of an item that represent my family culture is hard to define. However, photo represent a million words, so now I would try to capture any memorial moment of my family time.  This assignment also reminded me that how overwhelming it could be for a young child coming from other country to stay in a room with children who speak different language than him/ her or may have different colors than him/ her. It is something the teachers should do to prepare an environment that include and welcome diverse children and families.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joyce, I appreciate how you also thought it was challenging to think of items that best represent family culture. I found it challenging too, but this exercise helped me to realize that there is not one specific thing that we should look for, as there are many things that surround us that represent our family culture.
    I really like how your chose the symbol of a watch and how it represents the "time" you spent with your family and how you value that time. I found that very meaningful.
    I agree with you that educators need to take more time to ensure that the environment should be welcoming where everyone has a sense of belonging.

    Thank you for sharing your own personal experience as well.
    Take care,
