Saturday, January 17, 2015

Observe A Communcation Style through Non-verbal Expression

For this assignment, we need to watch a show mute and observed the non-verbal communication then compare it with the sound turned on. I picked  “Parenthood” and watched 10 minutes of it. The scene started in a car, a man was driving and a woman was talking to him. They both look serious during the conversation, the woman looks like she is about to cry. She pointed to the right side then the scene changes to a restaurant with another pair of man and women sitting around the table, looks like ordering. Then the woman who was in the car went out from the restaurant and one of the man came out to talk to her. Here’s what I see and think when the show was turned to mute:
·         The couples in the car are in a relationship
·         They were arguing about something on the way to meet up another couple
·         The woman is very upset with her boyfriend/ husband
·         The man who went out to talk to her is her friend
·         The man was listening to her while holding her hands and gave his input that made her feel better
             Here’s what is the real story about: The woman was telling her husband that she felt ashamed when he called up the lawyer to talk about her confusion with her step-son (the man’s son). The man explained why but the woman is upset. When they get to the restaurant, their friend couple was talking about how their child could have a class with their son together, which triggered the woman again that’s why she left the restaurant. The man who came out to ask her what happened and then sharing his experience with his stepdaughter and his experience with his mom which made the woman felt better.

                This is a great activity to learn how important non-verbal communication is also a essential skill of effective communication. With the volume in mute, I do not know what relationship each character are, but from the distance they have with others, I can distinguish if they just met, close friends, or couples. Moreover, if culturally acceptable, it is important to look at someone into their eyes to show them that you are paying 100% attention to what they are saying. A hug is also a way to express empathy or caring, again, if that is acceptable. Like in Asian, they do not normally hug friends or family in the older generation, hugging is a more intimate action that only couples will do. Moreover, through the video, it reminded me that when listening to others, we should respect other by staying with them and avoid not much body movement, ex: standing up, checking your phone shows you are not interested in the conservation. An effective communication requires mutual reaction. Both sides need to pay attention while other is talking, validate and acknowledge others feeling and opinions, and share your experience or suggestion if acceptable. Also if the situation allows, ask questions to clarify the questions would help effective communication too, as sometimes the words that we say may have totally different meanings to others.  

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