Friday, January 9, 2015

Competent Communicator

A competent communicator that I would like to present in this blog is the Program Director of my program Cheryl Horney. Although she is a director, she listens to staff’s concerns and will follow up on the concern or feedback. Mr. Horney is very passionate on the work she does. She cares about her program staff, children and families a lot. Our program serve a very diverse population and she will ensure we have proper resources to translate the program materials or meeting in the families’ home languages. She even provide translation materials and interpreter in the staff training for staff who are English Learners, so that they have a full understanding on the materials. 
 Ms. Horney also treats all employee the same way whether he/she is a janitor, center assistant, or manager. She is also sensitive to the need of the diverse population. She would spend time to explain the content to the audience in the language that they understand. Although she has a very busy schedule, she would take time to present herself in the program to listen and support parents or staff. Everyone trusted her decisions, respect and follow her leadership with no concern or complain. 
I would love to learn the way she supports everyone in a respect way that does not conflict with her professional role. Competent communicator would like how to adjust their language suitable to the audience in a respectful, which is what I am trying to learn.  


  1. Joyce,

    Your program director sounds wonderful, the way you have depicted her on your blog. The fact that she provides an interpreter or materials to help with communicating is fantastic, it sounds as though she wants people to be comfortable and to succeed. Respect is also very important, because it's something that is earned and not forced upon. Thank you for sharing and I also like your page.

  2. Great post,

    I am so glad that you have that director in which you can go to for anything or that can communicate effectively with all that she comes in contact with on the job. For 8 years at my currents job, I did not have that and it made my work experience very difficult. She has since been terminated but now I can experience the same effective communication qualities in my new director. The staff can go to her and she will listen with respect and concern for others well-being. The qualities you described above makes for a successfully owned and operated learning facility for all.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Joyce,

    It sounds like you work for a director that everyone would love to have. She definitely shows respect when she take the time to listen to everyone's concerns and then gets back to them. This is fantastic as listening is a big part of communication! So often I have seen people voice their concerns to management and that seems to be the end of it.
