Monday, February 23, 2015

Thank you!

It’s been my honor to be part of this class with supportive colleagues and professor! I learned about from each one of you from your perspective to your work experience and to your personal life. I know it is hard to share our personal experience sometimes, but we all are very respectful and make this class a safe place to share.

I would like to thank you Cynthia Mickens for sharing your personal and professional experience. I love your blog with clear and defined answer, especially with some pictures on it. (

I also would like to Marguerite for your sharing your blog. I especially like your blog’s pictures, they are on the point! (


  1. Hi Joyce,
    What a cute thank-you dance! and just like you-it was an honor for me to be a part of this course with my colleagues such as you -showing support. I wish you the best as you continue on with your courses.
    God Bless you!

  2. Thanks Joyce,
    The thank-you dance was so cute! I am glad that I have had to opportunity be apart of your Master's Degree program experience. I had learned so much from my colleagues and your experiences will be something that I will take with me through my teaching journey. Thanks Again!
