Friday, November 1, 2013

Childbirth In Your Life and Around the World

I was born in Hong Kong, China, in a hospital. I believe the hospital system there was very similar to the current practice in the USA. My mom requested C-section because she wanted my birth date on a specific day because of religious reason. I don’t remember anything about being at the hospital, but I know in my culture has some norms on newborn. Newborn and their mother usually stay home or avoid going out for at least a month from the first day of the baby born. Chinese believe that newborn and mother are weak and still develop their strengths after birth or give birth. Therefore, they try to avoid going out to expose to germs or outdoor. And women try not to have alcohol, cold food or seafood during their pregnancy because they believe that is not good for the fetus.

I have some memory about my baby brother’s birth. He was born in the hospital too. I remembered me and my father went to the hospital to visit my brother. We stand in front of the window and trying to spot where his crib is. I also remembered my Mom told me that she was born at home. It’s very usual back in her days. They didn’t even need a certified physician to assist the procedure. They usually call some experienced woman called “delivery professionals” to help with the delivery.  My mom told me all these “delivery professionals” use are warm water and scissor to cut the umbilical cords.

In Hong Kong, China. I believe newborn stays in the newborn room with other newborn for a week and parents can bring them home after. It’s different than USA where newborn can go home with Mom in a day or so.  


  1. Hi Joyce,

    Thank you for sharing your story. I think it is great how you can speak on behalf of being born in a different country with very different customs. You mentioned your mom planned her C-Section around a specific holiday. I wanted to know if that is a norm in the Chinese culture? I was just wondering, my Mom planned my birth so I can be born on Easter.


  2. What a memorable story to share with your children and grandchildren one day. Its nice that your Mother was able to be accommodated for a specific date. I remember when I had my son, I planned my pregnancy to correspond with my summer break so I did not have to miss much school. Its wonderful when nature conforms and we can get so close to those dates we really want, Best of luck!

  3. Thanks for your story. I think that it's amazing how things can be the same but people have difference in what they believe people should and shouldn't do as well as what they should and shouldn't eat. I know my faience is Hmong which is part of China and they believe in some of the same things about what they should and shouldn't eat,do, and even people they see. I find it all very interesting.
